About Us

About the Brand

First of all, thank you for stopping by Cloth Club and wanting to learn more about us!
Here at Cloth Club, we are all about celebrating the ever-changing, perfectly imperfect, family life. We hope to bring a little bit of beauty, simplicity into the ups and downs of family life with our innovative, aesthetically pleasing and functional, easy to use designs. With our designs being thoughtfully curated and made with love and first-hand experience, we here at Cloth Club want to help you to focus more on what really matters - enjoying your family and making memories together.

Get to know us.

Hello, Stephanie here to share with you a bit about us, the family behind the brand, Cloth Club. My fantastic husband Davide and I live in tropical Cairns, Australia and have two beautiful children that are among our greatest blessings. Davide was born and raised in Sardinia, Italy and I am born and raised in Australia and have inherited Italian heritage on all sides of my family - and yes, we do love our pasta and pizza!
As a family we are passionate about our faith, quality family time, travel and culture, reusing and reducing waste, making DIYs and being resourceful along with all things craft, art and design.
Davide is in the field of early education and I am a stay at home mamma and now also the passionate force behind this whole brand Cloth Club. We have both traveled quite a bit and this is most definitely one of the reasons behind the design of our cloth nappies. 
We started using cloth with our eldest about 4 years ago and like most people who also start using cloth, fell in love with it and the incredibly supportive community that comes along with it. We hope to inspire others in the world of cloth and beyond and help them find a sense of belonging in this wonderful community, like we have.