Our Bespoke Prints

Our unique, hand illustrated prints are designed in-house by our owner Stephanie and are completely exclusive to Cloth Club.

A note from the Artist, 

"I've often felt I see the world around me through a creative lens and to other people I'm viewed as a 'different thinker'. Surface pattern design is a new form of illustration for me and while it has been challenging, it's been so rewarding seeing my vision come to life. Cloth Club's initial nine print release was inspired by, enjoying family time together on cozy over-cast days, the lush country side, outdoor picnics and adventure. Our style here at Cloth Club will always follow a classic, vintage feel with a strong inspiration of nature and creation."

- Stephanie

Cloth Club's current signature prints are subject to change. While some designs will run for reprint, others may feature as a limited release prints.